1 thought on “What should I do if my mobile phone is minitted?”

  1. You can use the device to access the detection website (such as PirateBay) to confirm its security.
    Although Chrome is the most commonly used browser, the Opera browser provides some interesting features that Chrome does not have. The latest version of the Opera browser can automatically intercept ads. In addition, it has built -in protective function to prevent mining. This feature can prevent the website from running illegal mining scripts without authorization, which is not much different from the advertising interception technology on the webpage.
    The relevant information:
    "Stealing" refers to hackers using your system resources without your consent. This is mainly to use the Java code of the website. Hackers injected the "Mining" program in the code. When you access these code, the "Stealing" program will secretly run automatically.
    , although hackers can take the initiative to invade the website to run the mining script, it should be noted that those websites that use the plug -in services such as CoinHive will inadvertently provide hackers with more opportunities.

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